“I specifically sought out Brian at a conference, based on a friend’s recommendation.
So much so that I even bid on a consulting session with him as part of a charity auction.
Not only did this session prove to be eye-opening, it also introduced me into his world of investors and RE opportunities.
So when the first opportunity came up to participate in his syndication, my husband and I jumped on it without hesitation.
Everything my friend originally said is proving to be true:
1. His due-diligence is conservative and detailed
2. Regular communications are extremely transparent
3. Reporting is meticulous (yes, I’m one of those nerds who looks at the register)
4. Brian is easily reached and is responsive via email
My husband and I are two professionals with full time jobs, two kids, and weekends filled with activities.
Now instead of dealing with broken toilets and lightbulbs at our rentals (which we still own, but wonder if we should), we can passively collect our interest, feel safe about our principal, and enjoy great partnership with a trusted professional.”